Supporting Clinton
There are three ways to donate to Clinton Junior Public School. Each of these avenues of donating improve and support the educational experience for our children.
Clinton School Council
(not a registered charity - no tax receipt available)
To make a donation directly to the Clinton School Council, please click the button below to donate via Square, or write a cheque payable to 'Clinton School Council' and drop it off at the school office. Funds donated will go towards the Wish List, unless you specify an area you’d like your donation to be directed to.
(registered charity - tax receipt provided)
You can make a secure, online donation to Clinton through the TDSB. Funds are distributed from the TDSB to the Principal's budget. Tax receipts are issued electronically to the donor. Click on the link below and select Clinton Street Junior Public School from the drop down menu.
Friends of Clinton (Artsmart)
(registered charity - tax receipt provided)
Friends of Clinton is a registered charity that supports Clinton's Artsmart program. It was established many years ago through an endowment provided by a former student. Funds donated go directly to the Artsmart program. Tax receipts are issued electronically to the donor. Friends of Clinton is also a United Way partner.