Director’s Response to the Enhancing Equity Task Force Report
Director’s Response to the Enhancing Equity Task Force Report
In December, the Enhancing Equity Task Force shared a report that provided a number of recommendations for how to support student achievement and well-being through improving equity within our system.
Our team has now reviewed that report and I want to share with you our response and proposed directions to move our system forward to enhance our support for each and every student in the TDSB.
Ensuring that all students are successful means providing every student with the right tools, resources, supports, access and opportunities they need to thrive. Making this happen requires a whole-system perspective which includes examining our policies, procedures and practices; building staff capacity; reviewing our resources and how they’re distributed; and setting high expectations and increasing access. Real change, we know, happens in the classroom but it must be supported by changes at the system level to be transformational.
While we do this work, I must emphasize this does not mean taking away the rich learning experiences from those who are thriving, but it means ensuring that these programs, opportunities and experiences are available and offered to everyone. We will:
- Continue to offer choice through specialized schools and programs and improve access to the programs that all students need;
- Continue to support students with special education needs, including Gifted, through parent choice of home school placement or congregated sites; and
- Continue to study the impact of our programs, practices, and structures on the achievement and well-being of our students.
This report is the next step in our equity commitment. It will be discussed by Trustees at the Planning and Priorities Committee on January 31 and then at the Board meeting on February 7. Its proposed direction – if approved by the Board in February – will inform our work moving forward. Finally, if approved, these broad directions will lead to more detailed implementation. And, it should be noted that where implementation requires a change to an existing Board policy, staff will bring a report to Board on the proposed policy change that will also offer opportunities for public input and consultation.
We will continue to work with and listen to our communities. As part of this process, you can speak to the report at the committee meeting on January 31. Your intent to speak must be submitted by Monday at 4 p.m.
Thank you to all students, staff, families and community members who have shared their voice, experiences, insights and time. This work is important and we appreciate your commitment to and involvement in the process.
John Malloy
Director of Education